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Covid 19

Covid-19, the disease generated by the (relatively) new coronavirus remains a substantial threat but risks are somewhat lessened as vaccination rates continue to increase within the population of the UK and the world.


Most restrictions for residents of care homes have now been lifted in line with the general public but we have to ensure that all activities are risk assessed in order to maintain safety of individuals and the home as a whole.



Visiting is allowed. Family and friends can visit, although guidelines with regard to testing, PPE and social distancing should be observed (see visitors policy). 


Visits out of the home to visit friends and family continue, as do activities important to the residents. All activities are risk assessed with procedures put in place to help mitigate any areas of concern.



The single most effective prevention against the disease is good hand washing with soap and water. All staff and residents follow stringent procedures on this including when to wash hands and following the correct technique. Alcohol sanitising gel is utilised in addition to hand washing, not replacing it unless access to soap and water is not possible.



Comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting schedules are followed within the home. This will be intensified should we have any suspected or confirmed cases of Covid -19.


Health Checking

Reasonable observations and checks are performed daily. Any concerns are raised with the appropriate health professional



Public transport is not used. We have 5 vehicles available between the 3 homes and so this is not a problem.


We continue to access open spaces in the countryside for regular walks. These are proving ever popular, and new walks are being found to ensure minimal contact with other people and keeping it interesting. Bike rides in small groups (individual homes) also continue.


Whenever we support residents with physical exercise, we ensure that it is at locations where we are unlikely to pass other people but that there is plenty of space if we do.


With an ever watchful eye on local infection rates, we are expanding our list of opportunities and activities where safety can be managed. This is welcomed by all.



The residents have been subject to very stringent restrictions but without fully understanding the why or indeed the gravity of the current situation. Staff discuss the situation regularly and expose the residents to the news with  group discussions to update residents on what is happening and to allow them the opportunity to voice their frustrations.

Medical Appointments

Any medical need is discussed with health professionals initially over the telephone. Photos can be shared and if the need for a face to face follow up is considered necessary, we can arrange a convenient time.



Any contractor coming into the building has to follow the rules for visits to the home, including testing and PPE. As from 11th November 2021 we have been checking the vaccination status of anyone entering the care home. 

Appropriate time for work to be done will be agreed  for when there are fewer residents likely to be around.


​Visitors & Family Contact

Please see the Visitors Policy below.



Despite restrictions having been relaxed for the general public, staff are urged to consider the risk of any personal activities carefully and keep themselves as safe as possible.


We will continue to monitor all policies and procedures and make amendments where necessary to help protect everyone in these difficult times.


Additionally, there are comprehensive risk assessments within the homes that are updated regularly.


Cocklebury Farmhouse Homes

Coronavirus Visitor Policy

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